Whats that? You don't have one? Not agreed!
The All is from within as we are within the All as is a natural Law and can be no other way. We tend to see fragmentally rather than utilize or True nature eyes. Man made laws may serve your limited views however, not so of your true nature. Part of playing a game well and being victor is maximizing within the consruct of "the rules". Therefor if you are to engage with life as your True Nature one must know the Natural rules to be optimized yes? ♥♡♥ Very welll then embracing your Inner shaman allows you to walk in both worlds (using the potentials of each structures simultaneosly) fluidly unconstricted (overidentified) by neither yet fully (in oneness of Allness no seperation) optimizing presence of awareness and observation of both as one and one as both.....All Is Real
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January 2016
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