Decide what makes you happy and climb to the light, sacrifice what you are for what You Can Become
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Read Financial Tyranny for free: WAKE UP! Connect with your higher self, Make Your Contribution Join and RESET the Balance of breaking the Servant collective to a collective of Service! Breakdown or Breaththrough, It Is Up TO ME AND YOU TOGETHER!!!!! Show up, be educated and BE response able! If you have been HELD DOWN LONG ENOUGH, YOU HOLD THE POWER WITHIN To BEGIN........ Will you agree with being continually Crushed or will you choose to get a Crush (of love) on LIFE? as the audience changes with the times, that to the truths revised and delivered in a way to be seen.....Necessity or disguise masking with lies the essence of meaning, reading between the lines
Underlying themes, repeating streams of archetypal means: reaction to perceived inhumane, unfair, unjust, unpopular laws reconciliation of personal beliefs with the legal demands of society refusal to compromise,stand firm in Self ruling and obeying: conform to demands for playing roles identified by society over Self guided choices How will you choose, as you are to remember, The Choice is Yours from here on out and tender There are No victims or fixings to right or unjusts to adjust however, decisions are A Must regardless of bust Who knew on this morning 19 years ago that on This morning 19 years later a mother would still feel so gifted and filled with gratitude and at the same time such anxiety and protectiveness!
The day you burst forth into this world with such force and determination you were ready to take it on and give it all you have and then some. This morning, watching you brave the wintery challenges I see the same force and determination in your eyes, yet that beautiful baby face is now a handsome young man. With the same awe and humility in my eyes as the day you were born, Happy Birthday, Seth! I'm very proud of All that you have been and are continuously joyed watching all that you are becoming. You have blessed my life in so many ways and I am grateful! I love you! P.S. You and Hanna are Beautiful! Is the bottom line about Morality or Integrity?
Who is the ultimate Authority and how do you live without authenticity? Why must we learn forgiveness when there is absolution? Who's rights are right and who be the choosing? Is there ever a way that No One be losing? Or, is there such a thing when viewed without scewed illusions which exist only in the temporal fixed and dropped in death returned to eternal bliss... .Holey, Wholey, Holy All three exist? or merely a visceral experience dependent on the container of intent, relent or repent? Have we forgotten that Authority and integrity are sourced from our internal Core connection of Truth, when we are grounded and choicing from this Voice there is No Need for outer en-force-ment? "Before our white brothers arrived to make us civilized men, we didn't have any kind of prison. Because of this, we had no delinquents. Without a prison, there can be no delinquents. We had no locks nor keys and therefore among us there were no thieves. When someone was so poor that he couldn't afford a horse, a tent or a blanket, he would, in that case, receive it all as a gift. We were too uncivilized to give great importance to private property. We didn't know any kind of money and consequently, the value of a human being was not determined by his wealth. We had no written laws laid down, no lawyers, no politicians, therefore we were not able to cheat and swindle one another. We were really in bad shape before the white men arrived and I don't know how to explain how we were able to manage without these fundamental things that (so they tell us) are so necessary for a civilized society." John (Fire) Lame Deer Sioux Lakota - 1903-1976 "A tale in dance celebrating identity, freedom and passion.
THE STORY Midnight -- the word alone conjures up images of excitement about endless possibilities as well as fear of the unknown that looms about. It takes a brave soul to face the darkness and venture out to where the Old ends and the New begins. The sound of midnight is the tortured wail of the bandoneón, the virgin voice of the violin, the thunderclap of the piano and the vibrant pulse of the double bass -- the sound of midnight is Tango. IDENTIDAD is a story about change, personal growth and search for identity. The Marionette and her Puppeteer are trapped in a relationship of interdependent domination and submission of mind and spirit. The strings that connect their bodies bind their souls in a futile struggle for domination and power until -- the zero hour brings the Duende, incarnate spirit of passion and change. He persuades the Marionette to undo her ties and leave behind a life of manipulation and second hand dreams. Her newfound courage and curiosity let her uncover her true identity and boldly venture out to claim the life of passion and freedom she desires." When I was in grade 5 I began to "play" the violin. I continued this attempt through grade 7. I too enjoyed the Can Can and practiced it over and over and over. I too had soo much fun going faster and faster and faster. I loved watching the rosin fly off the bow from the speed, feeling the strings vibrating through my body, and my fingers bouncing like hot water on the electric pan.......I know, the odd things that exhilarated me........(experiencing through my consciousness can be frightening even to me, haahaaa)
It amazed me how I could focus my mind on the sound of the finished product, dah, dah dah dah dah dahhhhh dahhhhhh, and learn to "let" my body make it happen, seperate yet in synch. The instantaneous energetic commands in the background that allowed the concept of what I wanted played through the internal sense of the sound I wanted to make connected to the body parts required to achieve it and the lightning synapsis firings to materialize this . I suppose that could explain why I always thought it sounded better than maybe it actually did....... Kinda like when you first learned to walk, you saw others doing it and maybe you waited til you were good and pissed that you wanted to get somewhere fast or get way from something or, maybe you just took off without thinking about trying to before you realized that you were doing it. Like when you are learning to ride a bike and someone tells you they have your back and you peddle like crazy until you realize your far ahead and they don't have your back! Whatever motivated your first impulse of the body to follow the mind and connect with what could produce the results instead of repeating the I can't do that........... Well, when you get older and "wiser" you talk yourself out of alot of things you "can't" do because well, You Can't......... if you think you can do a thing or think you can't do a thing, you're right. Henry Ford Were you the kind of kid that resisted limits? The adults around you telling you No, you can't do that! Did you say, watch me? Or, did you conform and not try or did you keep trying and trying and trying, loose interest, or breakthrough and surprise yourself?Somehow life has a way of taming your steam..........Or steaming you into taming life........Sometimes, we tame ourself.......... .I was with a friend the other day talking about a situation, mind you there had been many previous conversations about this situation, many renumeratings yet not a lot of resolutions, I was in one of my know the impatient feeling suffocated and irritable- up against limits- edgy.....I looked at her, I guess my exasperation evident- I am not a poker player, couldn't if I tried (couldn't not can't ,hahaha) and said rather sternly with conviction ( I call it determination) WELL, WHAT CAN you do? Rather taken back she just looked at me. After a few moments of silence, I attempted to pick up the conversation. I said, I guess what I'm trying to say is, we have this same "conversation" over and over and over, let's by pass the mind, focus on what you want, let it guide us to what You CAN do now, and use it to move us to the result.......It might be exhilarating, Or, is that what you are afraid of? Sometimes, the best action is get out of your own way and let it happen.........Enjoying the ride Once Thomas the engine built momentum he fed it with, I think I can I think I can I know I can I know I can, Yep, I did it, I DID IT!! Where in life CAN you CAN CAN faster? |
January 2016
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