Is My Truth Your Truth, is there A Truth?
Does "God" punish and make you Earn Love? Is suffering a necessary concept? Are Human Emotions, marketable sources of energy and whom is benefitting from it? Is an Image serving a purpose? If LIFE exists mutually inclusively is not Light and Dark each a piece of the whole and death the separation or hidden- the sustaining? Can Light be exposed? Can Dark be exposed? Are both simultaneously shining?
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Are Games ever really Just Games?
Are Theories ever really Just Ideas? Is Humor every really Just Funny? Is Growth ever without Struggle? Is Real ever Just an illusion? Like a Comet, the Great Mother Creates and Destroys and Creates...... Continuously Cycling;like excited children are we running in her paths to absorb, learn,experience,appreciate,disect each morsel. Eat well my children, Eat Well. I shall feed your exploring knowing deep within the core the roaming device shall beam you home from play. As she entertains us she delights and is also entertained........Two-way flow nurturing,sustaining,never done..........
No Vision is impossible: converging time lines, the Future is NOW, through the key from the past, the repressed tribes who teach the daily connection to source through archetypal energies isn't just play but actually necessary to The Way.........
Real Live Arts, connection,experience,communication,Divine Principals revealing both Inside and Outside ALL Communications Exchanges via All medians. Muti dimensional, Multi verse, Mutli........... ONE LIVING VERSE for ALL Living A beautiful ceramic art piece,another,art project my son made at school and brought home. Again, I questioned him about the time frame, the project, and his choice of shape (see the connection to the three triangle glow in the dark painting, same time) as well as the color.
Shiny metallic type glossy Black. When I was younger my older brother did a color card check on me as a school project for his psychology class. One of the colors I had continually picked was Black. This caused concern in my family for Black and the represented psyche analysis would point to severe depression and "the like". Surface paralysis analysis can be misunderstood- I am sooo often misunderstood......... Recalling a heightened conversation shared with my wasbend many years ago when I became highly animated and grizzly bear revved I received the same deer in the headlights terror expression. When a gal is often met with this reaction from another it is difficult to not internalize it and believe there is something really wrong with ya.......So, back to the conversation, yes, it is relevant here to my point, other than because of often being misunderstood and gaining a complex about it,or learning to stuff your expressions........The conversation (the relevance)began when he made a comment about an autistic child;Which at the time was a less common occurence than is now more mainstream. I suddenly became enraged (or what at the time appeared that way) which I now later see was infused with intensity and energetic download of information needing an Earthly outlet.........and stated in highly expressive fashion that "How dare you!! Ungrateful ignorance!!! These precious beings are our Soldiers for the Future!! They are NOT here to Be normal children with normal childrenness, they are Not designed to acclimate to this world WHICH IS WRONG ,they are NOT Dysfunctional or disabled, THEY are carrying the "right" and Vibrationally Correct and NEED our Nurturing and Support and Acceptance and Appreciation NOT our Neglect ,Pity or attempted "Fixing"!!! THEY COMMUNICATE WITH VIBRATION AND NOT WORDS AND ARE SOOOO INTELLIGENT Beyond OUR Comprehension!!! UGH, I just RE-Felt that Whole Conversation...........At least I get it a little more this time :). As our generations have continually upgraded,step ups in vibrations, our children are more multidimensionally equipped naturally and offering Our World the upgrade to entrain to AND Require our ability to understand that when analysis of their minds and communications , and Their "Ills" we need to determine which mind they are communicating from to comprehend the information. We have been incomplete in our communication skills, we are not serving our children or understanding them, is it any wonder they are disconnecting from society and community and not feeling the desire to participate? Knowing THIS is NOT what they want to participate in........ The angelic realm communicates the Black ray as the Void space of potential represented by Azrael and his Unified twin flame Magdalena ;and how it interacts with all the other rays, the ability to allow anything to come into existence and BE. NOW, do you see the amazing communication represented in the above pictures created through a piece of Artwork of a talented child, hardly depressed, often misunderstood yet offering incredible communications- Incomplete Communications?- from the higher realms ,through the higher mind, More than Just Art or a psyche misfire, yet still a tangible potential grounded........ Reflective pieces of communication requires putting the fragments together for the whole interpretation and integration-- deeper co munion with the subtle realms -Art Remember as a child you were for the most part, some of us anyway, hahaa, content with life. You bounced from days like it was a never ending summer vacation. Sure, you had your temper tantrums and whatever, but, you seemed to return naturally and quickly to that Love-Happy State somehow and it usually occurred without a forced effort.
Until,l you were conditioned to believe that the Love-Happy state only happened when you got what you wanted....... You attached Love-Happy to an external event or object and believed that if you were to not have it you would not be happy, or if you were to "lose" it, you would not be happy or if someone else had it you would not be happy, or if, ok, I think you know what I mean......... Eventually, you learned that If I don't Want anything then I don't have to go through all "that", so you stopped wanting. You learned to pretend Love-Happy. Maybe you got really good at pretending and even convinced yourself for awhile. Which lead you to Angry, watching others- who were also probably pretending Love-Happy, have what they wanted and you wondered, Why Not Me? Then you remembered, why you stopped wanting and denied that you were wanting Love-Happy. You will WANT it and NOT get it!! AND you will NOT get it until you ReConnect to the Pure Love-Happy without anything that you want!! WHAT??!! You mean I have to Want and not get yet still return to the Pure Love -Happy without what I want?! The Paradox of life to master, thing is, as soon as you do, You Get What You Want..... No matter, where on the scale in the phase you find yourself, as a collective we are not being allowed to play Love-Happy anymore. No matter what you gotta go through to get back to the innocent truth of the Pure Love-Happy state that You Are, No matter how many attempts to yo yo back and forth or how long it takes........ Love-Happy flows freely from the authentic self and radiates only with authentic expressions, grows exponentially when shared with other authentic expressions, and Knows the difference! It is your natural state of truth that has not abandoned you, YOU closed the door and need only to open it. WE ARE ALL RETURNING TO that Pure Love-Happy State that is the Truth of Who We Are AND It just might be a more Joyful Journey if we surrender, and Do It Together, naturally, quicker......... Just a few short weeks ago this hosta was just a thin line of green that I walked hurridly past to get inside away from the cold outside. I remember passing quickly and thinking little buds, signs of Spring, ahhh soon, warmer days.
I took a picture of the plant each day, I know, the impulses I have bewilder even me;eventually leading me to relevant insights, added pieces of awareness and.......well, if nothing else amusement that somewhere there will be a connection someday. (Everything is significant,the significance of everything and the connections are always revealed). Times that by a gazoodle and you see what an average day in my shoes is like, haaaa, anyway I won't bore you with the accumulated photos or even the one today. I think you can see me looking at the collection surrounding me and watching me drop into the deep space of wonder and child like curiosity (a frequent state of existence through my eyes :) ) and ask out loud, ok, Now, let's have our conversation and you share with me, what is the message in the expanding science experiment that you want to imulse me in? Please, talk to me...... Joining with the pictures, the plant, my many pieces of being, expanding this to wider and wider energies, relaxing in playful expectation yet quieting the surface senses and communications, feeling the electricity and heat touching the edges of my receptors,softening to the pulsing sensation of in, out, in, out wider, in, out, Ok, I think you know what I mean(you did feel it though didn't you?). I Know there is a transfer exchanging even though I am not able to yet translate the conversation I give thanks and gratitude for the profound sharing with reverence. I sit still in the warm bath of energies swirling and the high pitches flipping in and out of one ear, then the other and I breathe, slow, deep and deliberate. I wait to give it time to fully engage within my sphere of life, like a hot steamy cup of water brewing and infusing with a tea bag that will be a delicious drink soon, offering itself to be ingested and utilized sustaining my being, so that I may share. Opening to messages with intent and purpose can be time intensive and overwhelming if you don't focus to the messages that are relevant to you and your path. Learning discernment and filtering is where following your passions comes in handy. When you open to the wonder of communications that are EVERYWHERE around you might be ok in the initial romancing stage yet, in order to build a deep intimate satisfying experience you must have a container/relationship and follow your guidance as to what to hold on to and follow and what to let pass through. This plant exercise is revealing itself to me in many areas of my life and understanding of myself, my relationships, my planet and its relationships,and how this reflects outward still to other planets, other universe, in and out, in and out wider still, I know, I know you understand...... I walk around the row of ever expanding hostas some dual colored some solid greens, yet all already at least a foot and half round mounds that seem to become fuller and fuller with leaves expanding out from the center rows on top of eachother all summer til they wither from the cold of winter and peek out again next Spring......... The lost art of our ancestors, the ability to absorb living know ledge information rather than accumulating knowledge; Interacting with the relevant always available information rather than seeking and paying for what others say you need. Interacting with life and the wisdom it offers us in each moment in so many ways rather than goal line credentialed school living. I value education, full living education, solid basic foundation backed with the confidence and reasoning to open and interact with the superhighway living library.Will you eat the paper in your books when you are hungry? Will that sustain you? |
January 2016
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