You are more than your mind. In order to create your reality you must clean each part of you to align and flow in the same direction. The mental body is very challenging to clear and very necessary part of the equation of Creating Your Reality. However, it can not be your only focus. You are a very powerful creator when you are in alignment with Self and then with Flow. You can use tools to work with All of your parts including your tribe sense of belonging. The road of self discovery is fully integrated when you incorporate your Self Knowledge in combinations with others of same vibration, Co-Creating Harmoniously,Powerfully, Unifyingly, Mutually Benefiting each Individual and the Whole.
Please contact me (see contact section on this site) if you would like to work in the Akashic Records,have an Akashic Record Healing Session, Self-Discovery Session, Or Co-Creating Session. Shamanic Humor as a way to Shift Consciousness and Reality By: Shamanic Shifting,Dreaming,Drumming,and Foolish Wandering, January 10,2005 There is some exciting shamanic play and work being dreamed and danced around humor and performance as an original (yet always new) way to shamanically shift conciousness in the middleworlds, or enter the shamanic realms that permeate our spacetime fabric - all while going about everyday contemporary life scenarios, clothed in our ordinary costumes and guises. Or, our ordinary costumes can be "tweeked" a bit, or a lot - for intentional effect! The radical, recreative practice of intentional humor is an ancient meta-tradition among spiritual traditions, because it is one (usually) pleasant, natural, simple, yet extremely profound, way to approach the mysterious, eternally present and momentary state of no-thingness that lives and gives, under all mundane things of our historical realities. Absolutely anything, no matter the probablility, CAN happen to any individual, place, or thing (no matter what size) that is taken - for even a split nanomoment - into that great no-thingness and back! And laughter is one way almost anyone can learn to do this. Even though a relentless, radical, shamanic humor practice will involve costs, most certainly bring fear-facing challenges from TRICKSTER and one's own SHADOW, the rewards of perservering on this way are bright and infinite! This can have a serious affect when used on someone unfamiliar with the concept. Some relationships may be irrepairably damaged, some people may be not be able to recover from the experience. This can border on abuse and cruelty. When an individual vulberablly opens themselves to another in a very profound and deep manner, trusting, respecting and honoring this depth with another and this sacred exchange is violated or humorously played with for the purpose of disguised Learnings; one might wonder if this type of teaching is ever justifiable, responsible, or safe. When one is experiencing shiftings in their consciousness it is a very serious and fragile time of adjustments. Improper use of Power over teaching rather than Power with experiencing is dangerous territory. Mental Institutions are full of this breach of human capacity. Although there is much to be learned from ancient cultures, tribal communities traditions it is imperative to study and practice with the utmost care. When trying to integrate ancient teachings into modern world challenges great care and understanding needs to be appreciated by all participants. Is playing with consciousness within the realm of humanity or is it under the organic enfoldment of the divine plan> "I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best." ~ Marilyn Monroe
Love: an unobtainable dream? The private suffering masked by the public illusion of beauty? To live for love, To Die at it's hand...... To desire it and be devoured by it? What we do in the name of it, what is done to us because of it.......Who needs it, Yet,we wither and die without it? Fainting moments of intense bliss followed by devastating lows of despair? It is the universal flow of life yet we can either drown in the tide or shrivel on the shore.....Engage with it and be burned begging for more or disassociate from it and slam the door.......Would life be better with it or without it? Is it even an option? |
January 2016
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