"the acorn principal: when you tap into the seed of divinity within you, and cultivate the conditions for it's growth , no matter what limitations appear 'out there' the destiny for which you were born will emerge as naturally as the oak rises from the acorn."Derek Rydall
solid three roots-trust trunk- commitment branches-vulnerabilitygrowing strong foundationally relationallytrust grounded deeply spreading unseen bringing stability an nutients holding tight with all might yet loose enough to flourish and not constrict: supportive and sustaining with care not fear always there, keeping ground and securing the tree above all else , no compromising choices commitment - trunk bridge of life the center for multidirectional growth ; in it together no matter what no walking away solutions and resolutions always a way to sway and stayvulnerability- branches shoots for beauty leaves and propagating seeds : risking a piece of genuine expressions spreading light building connections. not defenes nurturing and valuing the mivements extensions of the bondstrong and gentle firm and flowing love glowing growing the relationship healthy treefree in soverign unity shaded heart to right i c
I've been following a social experiment on marriage. If you saw the movie or read the book Eat Pray Love you are familiar with a trendy divorce saga playing out among the story of the mass' with love and marriage. As Debbie Ford writes a guide to survive the Spiritual Divorce there is no denying it is rampant. The author of Eat Pray Love writes further about the after mass of the divorce and New Life Relationship and the obstacles in her book Commitment. Seems the spiritual conciousness upgrade to our expansion of our consciousness we are traveling(individually, collectivelly, globally, planetary and I imagine universally...) is wrecking havoc on our consructs of systems and our relationships within this expansion. No sooner than we think we can navigate the rug is pulled out again leaving the exhausted and confused evermore rattled with doubt and uncertainty(the obvious flavor of expansion). It seems the reasons we marry , if we are courageous(or delerious) enough to attempt the challenges of such an agreement , and forge the relationship evolution , change faster than the courts can manage the broken contracts and shattered lives cluttering our communities and burdening the collapsing support networks.
So , in this experiment a panel of four "experts" (a psychologist, a sociologist , a sexologist, ans a spiritual advisor) question interview evaluate investigate males and females (currently only hetrosexual) to match them up as potentials for a lifetime loving monogomous committed partnership under the current marriage contract(part of the problem in my opinion.....). The couples are paired and know nothing about the other person untill they meet at the wedding alter , get married , go on a honeymoon , move in together for four weeks , getting counseled by the experts on the four weeks of challenges en countered during their discovery and deepening , then decide if they will stay married or get divorced. Then there is a 6 month follow up and a year follow up and I'm not sure yet what after that-or if there will be any couples left standing to study..... There are shows filming throughout an d the couples are continually interviewing counseling and interacting with the experts. I have been enjoying watching the whole process and learning throughout the "courting marriage" experiment. (I wonder if outsiders choosing a spouse is better at it than trusting the universe to match us, we need this experiment documented also as it is definately concurring as well). Some of the issues and comments and touching moments have been illuminating. There is no doubt our relationships with ourselves and significant others are being stretched like taffy through all this snapping expansion. Are we losing our Art of nuturing seeds of love to blossom , or just beginning to truly learn the Art of True Love? Who are the "experts"? If you are currently undergoing a universal marriage match process and would like to collaboritively organize document and publish the "experiment" with co-journeyers please contact me. |
January 2016
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