a person's word was "gold" : they meant what was said and said what they meant and one could count in a "gentlemen's aagreement" if there was larger stakes a written agreement was entered and honored. a system was established to enforce the rare case of non compliance. a person would not want a reputation or circumstances of crimanal proportians. a person valued their gold of word and deed and had a concious that self managed in order of self value self preservation and virtue. if an individual did not the system imposed so. when the system does not and is outmanipulated by the manipulator is all value lost for those who operate by golden rule?
There was a time in civilization when the voice was used for singing and sounding and toning - healing self and others , harmonizing with your srroundings.
Communication , the expression of ideas to another being ( all objects viewed as living) whether human , stone - mineral , plant , natural element , light , spirit , elemental , other dimensional , ok I think you know what I mean, was expressed mentally as a thought form from mind to mind- a tool for mental connection and comprehension - pure expression without manipulation for a conquest agenda. As we know our thoughts are powerful and tools for creating. There was a shift in the use of voice and we know the power of our spoken words. W ords can mean many different things be expressing differently than the receiving and interpreting be misleading when not aligned..... W ords can be spells limitations and weapons or elequant beautiful expressions and upliftment. A person can speak intelectually from mind alone, emotionally through feelings or multidimentionally combining all aspects including energetically and spiritualy as well as codings of light and sound through the voice. Communication with words can be complex and distorted. There are many different languages - combining letters to form words to express, many different cultural and societal agreements about expressions leaving a divide between joint efforts at communications. As we expand our awareness and expressions and our set point of operating becomes from the higher mind there is another gap created in distorted communications. Such as the parables of Jesus or other Saints. These divides have allowed communications and understandings and trust to become blurred , distorted, manipulated. The seeding the idea of superiority , inferiority , confusion , lack of safety , self protection , defendedness , agendas. We have disconnected ourself from our natural telepathic pure communication and fear this natural ability and use it naturally yet often unconscously. We have lost respect of the power of words and some have taken advantage of the power. We have been lead to believe it is unnatural to communicate telepathicaly. We have been unaware if those who do so with agenda without purity. Where on the playing field are you positioned with the seeds of your words? Are you aware of the plantings of others words? Are you using the power of words conciously or unconsciously? Do you speak the vocabulary of the higher mind? Are you bridging with your words or are you gapping? Are your communications aligned from yourself and expressed purely? Do you communicate multdimentionally with awareness and respect? Are your communications with agenda and conquest or expression and honoring connection? Some seeds of thoughts to ponder.... black walnuts bumper crops this year. squirels agreed and want to share.
a bit of a mess and step by step process the oils and juices are natural dyes for wood or linen projects(your hands too if you forgot your gloves and do it outside on plyboard ) the shells are abrasives handy crafting too the hulls for tinctures for anti fungus and antiparasite (you can buy it made if you dont want to do this step) inner core meat once dried and cured for few weeks snackin bakin or a spicey recipe holiday gifting treat .. nature just keeps givin so muchnow. on to the grapes.. .what are you harvesting? |
January 2016
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