Recently my son experienced a skin burn to his face! Right in the cheek area, a big round 2 square inch burn. Naturally burns can be significant alterations to our skin, opening to infections in the healing process as well as scarring. So, like any mother my concerns were heightened with the uncertainty and awareness of potentials. Without being a helicopter I softly (not wanting to add to my son's own anxiety about the situation) diligently monitored the progress of the process of healing. As we both attempted to keep the skin clean there was no way of bandaging it so it was a wide open seen process...........
When the new layers of skin started generating I prodded to peel them away. No, my son argued, that's the new skin, why would I want to take it off? I don't want to peel it off, it's going to hurt and start all over again! Yes, I can understand your resistance, however, It's A Part of The Process of Healing. You see the new skin is good and healthy however, it is well, New, undeveloped, thinner, temporary cover, not necessarily the final skin you want to create. So, you remove it, to strengthen it, let it bring in another Newer, stronger layer. Repeating this several times. But Mom, why is it soooo pink? Is it going to stay this way? Well, you see it's New, it's healing, it's tender and fresh and well, the pigments are not yet the stronger more resilient skin like the rest of your face. Uhm, I don't really know if it will stay THIS pink, it may not even be noticeable when it's finished healing, or it might be slightly discolored, a little more white, and it may not re freckle and well, maybe we should just keep taking care of it and let it be.......... You see, everyday, your skin sheds layers naturally and relayers and you never even notice and sometimes it looks a little different than the other day but really so subtly that, well you never really see the difference though it is different. So once we reached the initial danger zone of healing, I peeked at the progress without his noticing. The progress is still pink, still evolving, still noticeable. Hoping for just a trace on his face - we will just have to let it be what it will be........... I'm grateful that the healing process is moving along without major set backs or redo or or or, but it is now on it's own pace, face altered but unsure of the lasting trace. Healing is a lifetime experience, layers and stages , seen and unseen, results unknown, factors uncontrollable, desires in thought. Time frame self contained unfolding naturally. Focus waning. Our lives are filled daily with the process of healing. Multi layered, multidimentional, subtle and radical, seen and unseen healing. Raw, Pink, Tender, New...
to express your gifts Do not always come with an instruction manual. If you Play you may be surprised We All have something to say in our own way and that's OK......... BEAUTIFUL Bouquet how many years later?
walkin a little differently but still talkin you can have just about anything you want, but you can't have everything. Dennis Merritt Jones
choosing wisely allows the gift to be fully appreciated. letting go if the. I want it all attitude. places greater value and meaning to that which is chosen and gratitude for that which remains The indicators of warmer days leaves me looking at my overstuffed closet. The MANY heavy sweaters, long sleeves, layers that I have been toting around for what seems like endless days........I am excited by the prospect of pulling them off the hangers and putting them away in storage and putting my warmer weather clothes on the hangers, Yeah! Some clearing out, giving away or simply tossing may be required. Maybe a few additions to upgrade the options....... Yep, letting go. The dreaded phrase that seems to conjour sadness and loss. Yet in reality simply means another stage in the cylce and can be rather revitalizing however, the default in my brain overrides so automatcially to letting go- more loss, what I have to give up.
If you have been having any of the higher than usual shared experiences of purging and rebirthing a New life that seems to be a universal experience for many at this time you may find yourself feeling the sting of that phrase also, letting go. There seems to be a Joy in New in life yet a heavy resistance to the natural necessity to Make Some Room for the New. Fact is, my closet has only so many square inches of space to hold only so many clothes and it is practical and efficient to keep the current season a priority in the limited space. I like the idea of getting the cold weather stuff out of my face- looking forward to the warmer weather. Yet, am I really feeling sad to see winter go? Maybe a little hesitation on missing a few of my favorite warm and fuzzy sweaters, but hey, there just in a box and too soon I will pull them out again. What if I moved to a warmer climate and for lack of need , cost, space decided to really let go of the sweaters? Would my sadness increase then, or maybe would I be more excited at the prospect of a warmer climate and lack of need for sweaters that it would outweigh the reality of dropping the sweaters? What happens to our life when we hold on to too much physical stuff? What happens to our life when we hold on to too much of the emotional stuff? What happens in our life when we hold on to too much of the mental stuff? What happens in our life when we hold on to too much of the spiritual stuff? Maybe a little review of all four closets could be addressed along with the boxes of this seasons packing? Or, maybe I'm just ramblin......... have you forgotten? you consistently change the form (frozen moments) to match the desired experience. Pick the mold with the greatest potentials to efficiently achieve that which is desired. Don't be afraid to break the mold and begin the process yet again, not an end a begin ing............This is the temporary constant we are gifted in this physical domain.
Natural and Light fun doesn't harm or belittle others, they feel your intentions..........
January 2016
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