Standing at a literal fork in the road. To the left is a straight way ,fairly clear and evident what is seen. To the right, well,there is a curve and obscured vision of what is "there". So, how adventurous are you feeling? Which Path do you want to be steering?
We are being led to "believe" that we have free will and Choice and that when you reach a certain age you get to be in charge. We assume that people's lives are a result of their choices. Their experiences and circumstances are a result of choices they have made. When you become independent and your now an "adult" you get to live the consequences of your choices. Until you move out of your family home- whatever that situation may look like, you believe you are limited and the consequences and experiences you have are not your choice but imposed requirements ,obligations, expectations ,reward or punishment manipulations,no ability to influence the options available or open new options. Some of us never really see life any other way. We re-create this condition over and over again. Some of us rebel this from an early age and continue living this rebellion over and over again. Some of us mature and become responsible and choose wisely and considerately, a socially responsible version of the first scenario over and over again. Some of us free willers go on "believing" we are choosing according to our wants and others can just get over it..... Some of us wouldn't dream of being so self absorbed and deny our choices, take'n one for the team........ I think you know what I mean........ Now, what's the difference between choice and decision? A webster definition may be: Choice: an act of selecting or making a decision when faced with two or more possibilities, Decision:a conclusion or resolution reached after consideration,Free-will: the power of acting without the constraint of necessity or fate; the ability to act at one's own discretion. Three different versions with subtle variations as to the art of choosing. Just as with any art comes discernment which involves the skills of both your analytical,measuring,comparing faculties(left) and your visioning,imaginal faculties(right-no, not correct,silly) and the space for development. It is assumed again that these skills and abilities (which can be developed and natural to most) are earned according to age and privilege,experience.Again, however often limited to outside influences with punishment and reward weighing heavily (outside authority). Is there a class required in general education that teaches this art of choosing or offers developing this natural ability without reward or punishment? Back to the literal fork in the road. Your choice or decision based on your free will ability in the situation may be hindered by previous visits to this site(knowing what both sides holds because you have been here before,experience,past,pre conceived knowledge,filter),time constraint and or goal or achievement(I'm just walking my hour walk today,I need to get to the park which is to the left,I'm not interested in finding out what might be to the right,my walking partner prefers and refuses to participate in going right,future projection) or a big Universal nudge overriding your human impulse,desires (The park ranger puts a horse up to the left and says road closed for today or to the left you see a bear who is watching you or take a step to the left and your knee gives out synchronicity, or, I think you know what I mean)............. Which brings me to yet another subtle or maybe at times not so subtle influence on the art of choice: Your life agenda viewed from your personal identity and your larger soul being. Again, here some people do not verge out of the limited version of any other part of "their being" other than personal identity and what I want now urges. Mind you I am asking that you see a choice can have many factors and influences some known some not,some realized and considered in awareness some not,some from a limited perspective some from expanded. There can be constraints,and internal constraints , physical, emotional, mental, spiritual,societal,family,group of affiliation, I think you know what I mean....... Some may believe your life is of your own making, if you work hard enough at something you want bad enough then you will get it and you will be satisfied when you get it and you won't be satisfied until you get it and all of your choices are made with this funnel vision regardless of anything else. Yet, there are many sharing their stories that proves just the contrary to this theory in life. There are others that are teaching that we are hard wired for our life experiences and that we will have them and learn our lessons no matter what or until it kills us....... Hahaa maybe that's just another version of the first I don't know. I guess that could explain the discontent of many people, the stories I am encountering of people just feeling like it doesn't matter what they do or disconnect from doing ,things have just "gone to hell in a hen basket!" are utter chaos and out of control. The method to the madness of the art of choice making has become blurred and the cause and affect has become elusive and the collective choosing and institutionalized ,systematic and constructive order is not functioning and we are in need of refining our art. Our children have felt our unsettled attempts at living and reaping the rewards, they are wise and not separated and operate from the unity field of interconnection, disengaging from the outer world,sustaining from their inner worlds. As we force this dying field upon their re birthing field we are not utilizing the resources they have to offer the solution. We are killing ourselves and taking the future with us. The future isn't here to save us, the only saving is to die of the old, let it go, re birth in the New, connect to the interconnected field our children are naturally apart of and stop trying to go against the tide or re create the old tide. When choice, free will, decisions, and Destiny collide,will you let go and re join the flow or will you hide or force stride?we.............
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