Substitute words: Fond, Like, Hell,Bliss,Open,Life,Need,Seed,Greed,F....,suggestions?.........Anything please, say anything else but LOVE, hahaahaaa . One of my dear friends says " I luv u" and then says, "Oh, tell me again, why you won't say that" Can I whisper it ?, Do I have to admit it? Can't it be a secret? Not, THAT FOUR Letter WORD. You can't make me use it.........Wait a minute, I need to get a lotion for the red rash and whelps that are rising on my neck, I have an allergy to the word Love, oops, just said it again, can't stop myself from feeling it(no matter how hard I try), but do I really need to put it in words.........Why is it that like moths to a flame we are sucked in and once in the heat, there is no retreat, no making it out Alive......Face it anytime in life that we LOVE the only way to recover is to die of the identity bond and become morphed out of the cocoon and fly ,(I Love butterflies, what does that mean?) as another form when reborn,arising from the ashes......If we are wired for relationship and relationships exist as constructs for the expression of love and Love is our True Nature, then why is there soooo much pain, loss and misery that we go to such depths and avoid LOVE and can not be satisfied until we Live Love? (Like it or not, We Will LIVE LOVE in our lifetime, no matter how much pain we go through to Do It, or how long it lasts, it's mandatory). Is it that word description unable to be expressed unless experienced thing again? Why has LOVE got such a bad wrap? Isn't it time that we stop being the wounded Lover and be the Lover and reap the rewards that Love was intended to bear fruit and harvest?Is there a way to Love without it meaning loss and pain? Do you agree to Love with me? Are we ready for some pain? haahaaaaWhen you become a mother, whether you are male or female (yes, you know what I mean) whatever you are mothering ( dream, goal, project, child, parent, business, insect.yes, you know what I mean) you don't set out and say, NO, I will not wholeheartedly love you because I know eventually we will separate and change and grow and I may need to Still Love you from A Distance, requiring Real Love, or when you are behaving not so lovingly, or your not producing profits, or, yes, you know what I mean. As a mother of three amazingly wonderful yet masterly challenging sons I never could have been prepared for the reality of what happened to me with each birth. Nor could I have ever prepared for learning to love from a distance.Nor would I ever regret the experience.........(kinda like the act of child birth Natural Labor, you never know what to expect,you scream like hell until it's over, yet never regret it and yes, even repeat it willingly). It can't be examined and re-created in a petri dish, mmmm maybe there is something to that." Yes, I'll take an order of love please, oh, and add a side order of recovery with that", at the drive up window of Delights Diner. Love asks for your whole heart all ways, always, it is not a choice to be made from the mind, nor can the experience be described, nor can one experience it and not know the alchemy of the energy. Since the truth of universal laws is undeniable, energy is not destroyed, it changes form,remaining in constant flow. So, why do we not Love like we have never lost before? Love can not be destroyed, one having experienced a life altering break up may disagree, spoken from experience, however, Real Love, Energy, expressions of experience is never lost. Mind you the form of expression may change but the energy of Love remains. Why are we so afraid of Love? Have you ever really experienced, the no words, of Love? Or is your point of reference attached to your minds descriptions? Is Love a Noun ,adjective,or a verb,adverb or All of the Above? Yes, put the Red WC, word choice correction (I had a tough love english teacher who said,believe me, you will appreciate me someday,OR not) all over my paper so I can't see the WORD. Can we agree to give a meaning to the word Love that soothes, nurtures, supports, joins, rather than separates, abandons, terrifies, and frazzles?Can I say I love you without all the baggage of what that has meant to me before? Can you hear me say I love you without all the baggage of what that has meant to you before? Can we experience Love together without words? We get a glimpse of this pure Energy of Love remembering when we go to a life altering "workshop", have a mystical experience, an aha realization.....It is re-creatable, the conditions are held and those ready to allow the toe dipping experience to surface are transformed. Did you feel that Energy? What was that? I will never be the same..........How might we describe it? Is It necessary to describe? I mean really, Love is the basic unit of energy, giving, sustaining, expanding Life. SO We Love Everybody, it is a compound in our cells of being, it's what we do with it that brings up the assigned meanings without corrupting the original existence, which is undeniable. Love equals energy choosing expression. MMMM, I am expressing to you for the purpose of experience do you agree? Are you open to this expression? Do you want to express with me? Scrabble anyone? How many ways can we Play with Love (infinitely) I say, yes you can make up a new word and use it, and it does count, it may be in the slang dictionary already, cause once something expresses, it's shared in the collective, of which we are all agreeing to participate, well, maybe...... I want to use a word that doesn't give me hives..........OHHH, you mean it's not the word but the meaning I have attached to the word? I get to assign the meaning and change it? AND Choose it's expressions? Do we agree?I Love You! It's A Good Thing, Can you feel it? Do I need to say it?......... Can I put my lotion away? Enough, No more Four Letter Words...........
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