Trust is built not tested, It is a Choice and a Skill.
There are many healthy ways to build trust safely, however, when we withhold trust it limits the ability to be intimately and deeply vulnerable and present in our relationship. When we test others to make them prove they are trustable we are doubting them and ourselves as well as limiting and trying to control the experiences. We can only extend the level of trust to others that we have trust in ourself and when we are unwilling to give what we receive we are creating an imbalance,struggle dynamic to our relationship and experience. Most untrustworthy individuals will not advertise this quality, yet, our heart will always know truth and should be the source for discernment,requiring you to trust yourself rather than look externally for proof (which can be deceiving). Trust is the foundation of all relationships, including our relationship with our self, our creator, our life and the life of others. All relationships are as unique as the individuals participating in them. Just as there are many types of love which is expressed within the agreement of each relationship. However, Love is not equal to Trust. You may love someone dearly however be unable to trust them. Trust is the building block of intimacy. Intimacy has many forms and levels to be expressed in relationships also. So, as relationships can be deep and complex or surface and limited, all are purposeful. When we experience difficulty in relationship it can be related to a challenge to trust ,challenge to values and priorities, a sense of imbalanced power , and/or an expansion or constriction beyond the original purpose of the relationship combined with in an unwillingness or lack of commitment to participate. Our relationships are evolving according to each participants growth and commitment to the relationship. In these accelerated evolving conditions we are experiencing in life, relationships can be reflective and subjected to this pace. It is important to remember not to measure the "success" of your relationships on the length of sustaining and consider the growth experienced of each participant. Relationships are containers of expression needing to be fluid as our expressions;containers not constrainors. It is important to realize that relationships do not hinder the individual's ability to grow and expand however clear boundaries and understanding of parameters of relationships must be mutually defined and respected. As humans, we will make mistakes, have moments lacking good judgement and fall short of our intentions. How often, why,and what we are willing to do to correct this infractions affects our agreements. Humans are not meant to be an Island but to experience himself/herself in relation to others. Relationships are defined by the individuals committed to the relationship, which may or may not be in agreement with social standards and definitions of relationships. In these New Ways of Doing Life we are being offered, we need the courage to be the authority and director of our experiences rather than waiting for society to dictate to us what our experiences should look like or giving the definitions to follow. Yes, we need to function in a healthy appropriate manner however, when we operate in alignment with our authentic nature all is being honored for the highest good of all. Only the individuals participating in the relationship can identify the purpose, agreements and willingness and level of participation/commitment. However, this requires personal authenticity,honesty, integrity ,direct communication,mutual understanding and respect,and safety. Leading back to trust. There are three types of trust: trust of self, trust of life, trust of others. We also have three inner directors of Self and trust, Our Inner Child, Our Inner Protector and Our Inner Adult. Understanding and unifying what each inner self values and needs to feel safe and heard allows for a balanced way of relating in exterior relationships. As you can see balancing the many "Trinity" components of YOU (mind,body,spirit) is vitally important to alignment of Self to participate with others. Although trust, intimacy, and love are active in our relationships not all relationships involve the same type or level of each offering many containers to grow expand and express. As well as, the level of participation is directly proportional to the levels each individual is capable of or willing to express within the container. When we only allow our past experiences to dictate how trusting we are of life or people or even ourself, we severely limit our ability to grow and expand and experience new experiences or the same exeriences in New ways. When one of our inner selves is out of balance our ability to trust and grow is also out of balance. Even if new opportunities arise we may shy away from them not trusting what might occur. We might be tempted to trust too easily or trust the wrong individuals or blame others for not being trustworthy; giving away our Power and operating out of Fear and separation, not Love (our natural state) actually re creating these same experiences again and again. If someone you love has shown themselves to be not trustworthy, you can continue to love them and limit the level of trust and intimacy you participate with them and redefine the paramaters of relationship or not directly participate in relationship. Love is then not in resistance or denial but allowed redirected expression, Love is constant yet its forms and expressions change. Love does not have to automatically equal trust. Before analyzing the trustworthiness of another know what levels of trust you have to offer and trust yourself to know when another can meet you there or where you limit the interactions with another of a different level. Love is our natural flow,we all have limits and levels we choose or feel safe expressing as well as different lessons and experiences we have incarnated for;our higher Self is Knowing of this even when we are not aware or remembering(or trying to control and protect ourself from). Our relationships are containers for these experiences. Trust, intimacy and purpose are agreements to participate in relationship between the participants. Relationships without firm foundations are not satisfying and eventually dissapate. Trust is a foundation to relationship, not automatic, trust is built (coming from love)not tested(coming from fear) It is a Choice and a Skill. Are you creating a life of design or battling against circumstances?
Your circumstances are merely the results of prior choices. To change them you change your choices. Once you are willing to be aware of the connection between your choices and the results, and you are willing to take actions to change the beliefs at the root of your choices .you are creating shifts in the energy patterns flowing in your life,increasing the options and solutions available to choose. Yes, some things require changes in steps and some things need to be worked with as is, however with creativity and flexibility all things will align with the energy flow eventually. Managing energy flows, directing focused attention in the preferred pattern creates movement from the rigid locked in experience of previous choices. Creating on solid foundations sometimes requires short term undesirable circumstances for long term gains. Redefine goal line living from only focusing on the desired outcome to appreciating each step in the direction of your dreams. Resistance keeps the pattern in place, gradual opening to a new pattern results in movement. Movement is key, life is not naturally stagnant. ![]() Sometimes on our path to the next set of stairs (in the distant rear to the left, if you didn't notice)we come across a boulder that seems impassible. At this point we may give up, rest and watch for a solution, start climbing and fighting and wacking at it, or, or, I think you get the idea....... Point is to our lower mind view of the obstacle may be skewed, good bad, right wrong, fair not,too much, unsafe......However, if we can sit with all of these thoughts allowing each their voice, then powerfully engage our higher mind which will view from a wider perspective and allow all these thoughts their voice as well, giving us a bigger picture view........ From wholeness powerful choices beget powerful solutions. Our lower mind gives us a very literal in your face picture and our higher mind gives us a lateral bird's eye perspective. Our lower mind judges our higher mind discerns. Obstacles can be warnings that we don't need to go there or experience that or that they are expansion tools to build muscle that will be needed when we "get" there.... Balanced use of all our resources.... Full View Choices, Full View Experiences........ Simple, Not Easy, How bad do you want the path, Are you sure it is the One You Want? Obstacle or Opportunity? ![]() I dance in the naked moonlight praying for Souls to Shine bright I dance my feet in the burning heat of hot coals praying that angry souls will feel release I dance softly on the Earth praying for rebirth into the peaceful universe I dance the directions and speed of hummingbird praying for the seeds of joy and kindness I dance the mana of dolphin praying for rejuvenation of united nations I dance the melody of whales praying for returned harmony with sounds before words, through rushing waters healing all worlds I dance the prancing of the hoof of deer praying for souls right ears to hear I dance the tricking of coyote praying for truth,honor and respect over deception and lies I dance the hooting Power of owls praying to embody the gifts of wisdom with knowing eyes I dance the pounding of bear paws praying for cozy warmth and courageous protection of big claws and strong jaws I dance the slither of he/she snake in awareness of she force and he focus praying deeply in reverence for Loves sake, for balance of Love Power and Wisdom I dance as one with mountain lion as you can take the cat out of nature,but not nature out of the cat, praying for gratitude and appreciation of that, the roar speaking rightly riding knightly in the chariot I dance the winds in the wings of angels and hawk praying for clear messages to deliver with no bawks I Dance ,I dance, the animals and birds dance through me I Dance I Dance this life of strife we be free I dance the sun I dance the moon and stars , the Earth and sky I Dance I Dance and ask not why I Dance this body Divine praying through all times and lines primal,organic,natural, moving and being moved gold and silver fluid flow radiating open heart I Dance! A person without a sense of humor
is like a wagon without springs. It's jolted by every pebble on the road. - Henry Ward Beecher AGREED A sense of humor is just common sense, dancing. - William James Love Dancing A sense of humor... is needed armor. Joy in one's heart and some laughter on one's lips is a sign that the person down deep has a pretty good grasp of life. - Hugh Sidey MMM????? A well-developed sense of humor is the pole that adds balance to your steps, as you walk the tightrope of life. - William Arthur Ward Really???? There are those that say I have a great sense of humor, or that I am soooo funny (without even trying). My mom and I LOVE to spend time talking and laughing till we can't talk,funny thing is We don't even get it half the time, but God, It's Good To Laugh hysterically and not have to get it! Thing is I am so intensely serious and often misunderstood that when humor flies from me I DON"T EVEN KNOW IT. Especially don't know it when someone else is being humorous....... Humor; elusive and unique, like the butterfly, Why Try, Let it Fly...... ![]() Unfold gently all stories to be told no need to hold so tightly or force mightly as all are to shine brightly not slightly as only then will no light be dimmed all outward shining from within the deep well shared by one and all Hear Your Call You Can Not Fall Each interconnected to the ALL only safe when we remove the Wall Align within the Great Hall refuse to be small Release your magnificence that the sweet fragrance of you may permeate the wind joining harmoniously the melody of this sacred Dance of life full of grace and beauty overshadows the illusions of strife No happenstance or chance Lively Everflowing Joyful Unfold DreamStalker Fast Talker No-Soul Walker between the Worlds You chase me in my sleep, Or, Is that when I am Truly Awake? Make no mistake ; Now, I choose to be aware in either place and you are in my face in both places Leaving your traces that I may, the expert tracker I be, Pick up your scent. Hot on your trail We both deep in ascent with no relent or repent the Shedding skin white serpent revealed |
January 2016
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