what Love Really requires.
She Loves and Protects until she must lovingly release, freedom-free will- her children's expansion. Loving from the distance, watching silently, loving through the pain, waiting for the return, which may not arrive as desired. Offering Self Destruction as a gift in place of other destruction no longer an option, She Must Stand no longer modeling sacrifice,instead modeling IN Dividual Sovereignty for Union. So easily forgiving others She Must Forgive Herself, Being Fully SHE in her wholeness- Beauty, warts and all. SHE must Serve herself rather than another without guilt or apology. SHE must matter, be seen, be heard, express regardless of approval and acceptance; what she has given, not waiting for return from another,but yet receiving it, SHE must give it lovingly to Her Self and receive No Less. When I divorced my ex said- "I thought you were a better mother than that, you would destroy your children and their family, you are selfish, I didn't realize you were a feminist". I had allowed myself to be enslaved and enmeshed in a dysfunctional unhealthy family unit because I so loved my family I sacrificed MY being, existence for them(much like our planet Earth). When I could no longer, I did die. I have struggled within the continued confines in effort to rebirth my Self against every restriction and criticism you can imagine. I keep going BECAUSE I DO LOVE, real Love! I want for my children to be modeled REAL LOVE from the Core Self shared and expressed given freely regardless of reasons why not. I can be No One Other than Who I Am, settle for no less, my children! I want for you THIS LOVE not the struggle to find it but the gift of it I offer you,return to me. During a conversation the other day with my oldest son he made a comment and then called me a feminist. Through the pain I replied, NO, my son, I am a Humanist: I want for each Human the birthright of this experience free from tyranny of anything less, free from the fight for something more.......... I want for each of us, Real Life, Real Love, Real Love of Life,Real Life of Love. The ancients magic and mystery banned from his tory yet, not blasphemy Required to thrive Life, Fully Alive shell games and lies
for only so long tolerated and justified in the mind who denies projected allegations exterior substitutions shall bring less than long-term solutions with irreversible resolutions what one carries within Pure Power and Truth Organic,unique in a beaker no matter how synthosized unable to be duplicated Only ONE TRUE MAGIC anything less, Illusion All fair in Love and War no need for score both return to the same core Rolled, Once, Twice, Thrice Fixed Dice? Play Nice? Hearts break whether warm or ice. Choosing,Not Chosen weighing the measure of risking. Whether drowned or frozen Lost bet You end Up Wet No chance to look back with regret looking the other way, thoughts of stay has walked away. Some Lines once drawn do not see another dawn or be erased in attempts to replace. What cross you walk determines what walk you cross. Wishin A Happy Daddy Day to the Daddy in each and every one of us
Cause we Better Start Lovin Again.......... Keep this World Growin,goin.......... Coming into wholeness as a woman isn't so much about discovering who you are, but about taking back the parts of yourself you gave away. B . DeAngelis
January 2016
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